Master's Degree in Law and Procurement* + Master's Degree in Specialization

The Master's Degree in Access to the Legal Profession and Procurement from the Centro de Estudios Garrigues is considered the best Master's Degree in Access to the Legal Profession by the "250 Master's Ranking" of El Mundo y Expansión 2023-2024. This program allows you to obtain a double degree with which you will acquire the technical knowledge and skills necessary to practice the profession of lawyer in offices and corporate legal consultancies, based on the integration of the various areas of Law.
StartOctober 2024
Mode of deliveryIn-person
Mode of studyFull time
Total ECTSMaster's Degree in Law and Procurement 90 ECTS Master's Degree in Specialization 60 ECTS

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Choose your specialization

The Master in Law and Procurement at the Centro de Estudios Garrigues offers you the unique opportunity to obtain a double degree in conjunction with a specialized master's degree. Practices as a lawyer in a specialized area of ​​law:
Máster Universitario en Abogacía y Procura+ Máster en Derecho Internacional de los Negocios El Máster en Derecho Internacional de los Negocios que se desarrolla en castellano y en inglés, aborda los principios del Derecho Anglosajón y su interacción con el Derecho Continental, los principios de contratación internacional y aspectos más específicos como el Derecho de la Competencia, el Derecho Financiero, o el Derecho Fiscal Internacional, y las vías de resolución internacional de conflictos.
Máster Universitario en Abogacía y Procura * + Máster en Legaltech & Business AnalyticsEl Máster en Legaltech y Business Analytics te sumerge en el mundo de la tecnología legal y el análisis de datos, proporcionándote las herramientas necesarias para navegar en este entorno en constante evolución. Desde la Inteligencia Artificial hasta el Blockchain y el Big Data, aprenderás a aplicar estas tecnologías para tomar decisiones empresariales fundamentadas en datos y garantizar el cumplimiento normativo.
Máster Universitario en Abogacía y Procura + Máster en Derecho EmpresarialEl Máster en Derecho Empresarial conseguirás un título doble que te proporcionará una formación integral para acceder a la profesión de abogado y adquirir los conocimientos y las competencias necesarias para aplicar de manera práctica las cuatro grandes áreas del Derecho que inciden en el mundo de la empresa: mercantil, derecho fiscal, área laboral y el aspecto procesal.
Máster Universitario en Abogacía y Procura + Máster en Derecho Tributario Con el Máster en Derecho Tributario lograrás una doble titulación con la que te especializarás en una materia cada vez más demandada, como es el asesoramiento profesional de sociedades y personas físicas en materia fiscal o de impuestos tanto en el ámbito estatal, autonómico y local, abordando también cuestiones relacionadas con la esfera internacional.
Máster Universitario en Abogacía y Procura + Máster en Industria del Lujo y la ModaEsta especialización, pionera en el mercado, te permite obtener un doble máster con el que adquirirás los conocimientos técnicos y las habilidades necesarias para el ejercicio de la profesión de abogado y conseguir, además, una formación transversal, internacional y altamente especializada en la gestión y dirección de empresas de la industria del Lujo y Moda.

Why study the Master in Law and Procurement?

Achieve your goals

You will train to pass the official entrance exam to practice the profession of Lawyer. The positive results obtained in previous years guarantee the quality and rigor of the training received throughout this master's degree.

Academic and professional faculty

You will consolidate your knowledge in Law with the help of a faculty of academics and practicing professionals with extensive experience in the sector who will introduce you from day one to the professional reality of a lawyer through the study of real cases.

Practical training

Learning has an eminently practical approach that allows real immersion in professional practice. You will apply the knowledge acquired to complex professional practice.

Our Alumni: discover their history

Entrance Exam Simulator

You will have specific preparatory sessions to successfully pass the National exam for access to the Access exam for the legal profesion and in addition, you will have access to the LexHow tool that has more than 4,000 tests similar to the State exam.

Right to become a legal reference

Reasons to study at the Centro de Estudios Garrigues

Number One in Rankings
It is considered the best Master's Degree for Access to the Legal Profession by the "250 Master Ranking" of El Mundo y Expansión 2023-2024.
Placement Index
Promotion after promotion, the placement percentage in our Master in Law is 100% in the most prestigious companies and offices.
Official Exam for Access to the Legal Profession Passed
100% of our students passed in the Official Exam for Access to the Legal Profession in 2023.
Call us
Admissions: +34 662 98 80 37General information +34 91 514 53 30


Master's Degree to Access the Legal Profession

1er Semestre
2º Semestre
3er Semestre
Ejercicio Profesional y Deontología del Abogado5 ECTSObligatoria
Organización del despacho profesional4 ECTSObligatoria
Defensa y protección de los derechos fundamentales y procesos ante tribunales internacionales4 ECTSObligatoria
La Práctica sobre el derecho de persona4 ECTSObligatoria
Estrategia procesal5 ECTSObligatoria
Litigación Civil y Mercantil7 ECTSObligatoria
La Práctica de la contratación y del derecho societario5 ECTSObligatoria
La Práctica sobre ilícitos penales5 ECTSObligatoria
La Práctica sobre el proceso penal y sus especialidades5 ECTSObligatoria
La Práctica de las relaciones con la Administración Publica5 ECTSObligatoria
La Práctica de las relaciones laborales5 ECTSObligatoria
Trabajo Fin de Master6 ECTSObligatoria
Prácticas Profesionales30 ECTSObligatoria

Competencies of the Master's Degree in Law


COMP01. Possess skills that allow you to apply the specialized knowledge acquired in the bachelor's degree or degree to professional practice before courts or public authorities, as well as in advisory functions.

COMP02. Know the techniques aimed at investigating and establishing facts in the different types of procedures, especially the production of documents, interrogations and expert evidence.

COMP03. Know and be able to integrate the defense and postulation of clients' rights within the framework of national and international jurisdictional protection systems.

COMP04. Know the different techniques for the composition of interests and know how to find solutions to problems through alternative methods to jurisdictional means.

COMP05. Know the procedural techniques and be able to execute any acts entrusted to them or for which they are empowered in the different jurisdictional orders, with special attention to deadlines, acts of communication, execution and means of enforcement.

COMP06. Develop the skills and abilities necessary for the correct and effective performance of the acts of communication to the parties in the process, and for effective collaboration with the courts in the execution of judicial resolutions, knowing and differentiating the private interests that it represents from the of a public nature whose execution the Law and the courts entrust to it.

COMP07. Know and know how to apply the rights and professional deontological duties in the relationships of the person practicing law or attorney practice with clients, other parties, courts or public authorities and among other people practicing law or attorney practice, as well as with others professionals.

COMP08. Know and evaluate the different responsibilities linked to the exercise of professional activity, including the basic functioning of free legal assistance and the promotion of the social responsibility of the person practicing law or prosecution.

COMP09. Know and apply the techniques aimed at the identification and settlement of customs duties, tax obligations, the constitution of judicial deposits and the attention of whatever expenses and costs are necessary to guarantee the effective judicial protection of the rights of those represented.

COMP10. Know how to identify conflicts of interest and know the techniques for their resolution, establish the scope of professional secrecy and confidentiality, and preserve independence of judgment.

COMP11. Know how to identify the decisive provision and organization requirements for legal advice and procedural representation.

COMP12. Know and know how to apply in practice the organizational, management and commercial environment of the legal profession, as well as its associative, fiscal, labor and personal data protection legal framework.

COMP13. Develop skills and abilities to choose the correct strategy to defend the rights of clients, taking into account the demands of the different areas of professional practice.

COMP14. Develop the ability to choose the most appropriate means offered by the legal system for the performance of quality technical representation.

COMP15. Develop the skills and abilities necessary for the use of judicial procedures, protocols, systems, and applications that require acts of communication and cooperation with the Administration of Justice, with special attention to those of an electronic, computer, and telematic nature.

COMP16.Have the necessary skills to assist in notarial and registry functions, in the exercise of their activity.

COMP17. Know how to develop skills that allow you to improve the efficiency of your work and enhance the overall functioning of the team or institution in which you develop it through access to sources of information, knowledge of languages, knowledge management and the use of applied techniques and tools .

COMP18. Know, know how to organize and plan the individual and collective resources available for the exercise in its different organizational modalities of professional practice.

COMP19. Know how to present facts orally and in writing, and draw legal consequences through arguments, taking into account the context and the recipient to whom they are directed, in accordance, where appropriate, with the modalities of each procedural area.

COMP20. Know how to develop professional work in specific and interdisciplinary teams.

COMP21. Know how to develop interpersonal skills and abilities that facilitate professional practice in relationships with citizens, with other professionals and with institutions.

Call us
Admissions: +34 662 98 80 37General information +34 91 514 53 30